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silverbullet response

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hey thanks lenny for all the support, for a few weeks i have seen the bad talking go back and forth some trying to get attention towards a new business and trying to use silverbullet as a stepping stone which i dont think is right but to each his own. others complaying because phones are busy, but dont leave messages, as lenny has stated coming into this project has been an uphill deal. i have been trying to help everyone as best as i can answer phones as best as i can, could i use some more help? maybe. i get parts out as soon as i can and i do try to carry aftermarket parts when possible for example(fuel controller,which most of you have and love, tapered wheel bearing, lennys diff and steering upgrades,oversized pistons, kevlar clutches amongst other products.) on that same note i have completely stopped carrying products that in the past had been nothing but problems but were sold anyways for income purposes such as the manual 4x4 whos design i never liked. i have been working with a local web company on redesigning our site so you can just order off of there and not even have to call. now with the phones and calling when the answering machine says leave a message so i can call you back please do,i dont know how many people complain because im on another line or cant get to the phone but dont leave a message,i check my answering machine at least 3 times a day and return calls. nocturnal sixer dont mean to point you out but it is a perfect example after you ordered your balljoints and tierod ends you were advised that parts were on backorder until about the 2nd week of august, and as a coincidence parts arrived as you submitted your claim to paypal so since label had already been created i just submitted tracking info. its not that i was holding back on balljoints or didnt want you to get parts. why would i do that? another issue i wanted to touch base on was the cams. update on daleys cam upgrade, i was able to find a company to machine the caps for our troopers to our specs which is what i used on daley's head after a check up all clearances looked good, sent it back to him with a new head gasket and have been trying to contact him on how it went but he always seems to be busy and cannot get to the phone. i am sure everything will be fine with those cams and will be a really easy install of a few hours. merchant mariner i am sorry its taken a bit longer than we had originally estimated. just want to hear from keith over at daley's hunt n fish before i send anything out.

also just wanted to let everyone know we are open and any other info that might have been floating around is false had a talk with Niles over at Joyner usa and got its straightened we had a good conversation with some plans of bringing the new python out to yuma and giving it a good test and tune on paddles.

would also like to take this time to thank all the happy customers that have put this aside and placed orders with us !

utvboard7 gets you a 10% during checkout at www.silverbulletmotorsports.net

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your welcome for the fuel controler that i had made an your making the profitt off of when people can go to dobeck performance an get them for $200.(good luck). sorry rick left bad taste in my mouth dedub. oh ya an the power steering mounting barcket i had to remake for you guys.

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well i had my doubts about you guys but I have bought stuff before and never had issues and after this last post I feel confident In SB again shit happens we all know that. I will say when I have called before and left a message Jose?? i hope thats right has called me back if not that day the next day. And when i have spoken with him about fuel controller or other ideas hes been helpfull. Im not taking sides here but I have had good experince with SB just my thoughts so good luck guys

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I will continue to support SB. I figure that as long as he is trying his best to get things right, that is all I can ask for. Jose backed away from the cams because of the problem Plumber had with his. It turned out that that problem was an installation problem and not the cams problem. Just the same, Jose decided to not put any more into the market until he was sure.that the cams were going to be right. He upset a few people in doing so but I feel he did the right thing. How many other people would have just gone forward anyway, using my expirence with the cams, which is real good, My good expirence wasn't good enough for Jose. We all, at one time or another, have ventured out and tried to do something to help and end up being a disappointment to some. I recently helped Banjo Minnow pick out springs to get his ride and ride heigth right. I figured that just going from one guess to another for him can be a long road where one would quit and call it good enough before getting it as good as it could be. I drew up his geometry, calculated all the angles and leverage conditions and sujested springs based on the geometry and conditions he was dealing with. This took about 4 hours. Now, I think I got it right and I hope I'm not sending him astray. But that is the chance I took knowing it could back fire if I was wrong. Jose is doing the same thing and yes he may get it wrong sometimes but at least he is willing to stick his neck out and try. He maybe could have handled some situations better but I havn't seen anything that made me feel he is trying to cheat or take advantage of anyone. Now that a few other sources for Joyner stuff have shown up I don't feel it's fair to throw him to the wolves now. For a while SB took the risk and was our only source. Not something I would have put my money into considering the weakness of the Joyner situation.


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In buisness you are only as good as your last transaction so let's hope SB gets it sorted out so all we have to say is GOOD! Don't get me wrong, I'm not throwing him under the train. I will be the first to say good about someone or a business but I won't shy away from saying something bad IF it is supported with FACTS. Just remember, it wasn't Jose who bit the silverbullet to stay in business and supply the Joyner owners, it was Rick. Jose still has to prove himself! As I always say Sustained Preformance is the real measure. One hit wonders don't cut it!

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

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I agreed with lenny it was the person I hire to put the cams in he didn't know what he was doing. I called jose and he told me to send him my head and he would fix it. And he did and he fix it for free ,gave me a head gasket and paid for shipping back to me.I have allways had good luck with sb everything on my buggy have came for sb.I wish him the best of luck he allways have done me right. Now about the cams once he gets them straighten out they are really nice but you have to have the fuel controller with them or it runs to lean.I can go up hills in 2nd grear were I would used 1st gear before if you have your rpm up it will hold them there.

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I know Jose mentioned this cam deal in his response. I would like to clarify this situation and my sentiments about it.

1) the order was placed in April and has not been filled or refunded.

2) Phone calls to Rick were unsuccessful, email with Jose had been working until end of July

3) I appreciate that Jose is making sure that the products he sells are of quality, therefore delayed cam sales

4) In July I requested that either parts were shipped or a refund was issued by July 27th

5) Jose responded with an email stating that the cams would not be ready and a refund would have to be issued. It would be issued in the form of a money order sent in the mail.

6) Appx 2-3 weeks went by and I did not received a refund. I have been attempting since then to contact SB via email and this forum. This posting is the first sign of life I have seen from SB.

For everyone saying "give the guy a chance, it's hard", I hear you. I would like to think that I have. However, if someone asks about SB, should I not tell them what my experience has been? Also, while people state that we need to be patient, are they on the hook for any money with SB?

Jose, I think that I am being very reasonable and nice about this issue, I don't know of too many other people that would be at this point, 5 months after placing and paying for an order that has never been received. I gave you 4 months to straighten it out and asked that if you could not do it, to refund me. Do you, or anyone else for that matter, feel that I'm being unreasonable?

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I know Jose mentioned this cam deal in his response. I would like to clarify this situation and my sentiments about it.

1) the order was placed in April and has not been filled or refunded.

2) Phone calls to Rick were unsuccessful, email with Jose had been working until end of July

3) I appreciate that Jose is making sure that the products he sells are of quality, therefore delayed cam sales

4) In July I requested that either parts were shipped or a refund was issued by July 27th

5) Jose responded with an email stating that the cams would not be ready and a refund would have to be issued. It would be issued in the form of a money order sent in the mail.

6) Appx 2-3 weeks went by and I did not received a refund. I have been attempting since then to contact SB via email and this forum. This posting is the first sign of life I have seen from SB.

For everyone saying "give the guy a chance, it's hard", I hear you. I would like to think that I have. However, if someone asks about SB, should I not tell them what my experience has been? Also, while people state that we need to be patient, are they on the hook for any money with SB?

Jose, I think that I am being very reasonable and nice about this issue, I don't know of too many other people that would be at this point, 5 months after placing and paying for an order that has never been received. I gave you 4 months to straighten it out and asked that if you could not do it, to refund me. Do you, or anyone else for that matter, feel that I'm being unreasonable?

NO 4 months is to long
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I have done business with sb in past and in past whenever i call the phone it get answered.

This time i tried to get parts and person interpreting for me told me you said you have them all in stock that's why i thought you was holding on them or something i don't know exactly so that must had been misinterpreted, Then i tried to contact you visa phone no answer at all and your email jose_ramirez@......... Well it didn't work the email returned undeliverable that is odd to me.

I am one of those that get frustrated yes. Only reason i post about you (sb) because i was hoping it would get you to get ball rolling.

I'm glad you got my stuff in mail finally, i should be getting it today.

I also appreciate that Jose try to do quality work on his products.

I think ill wait to buy from sb until they can handle the orders and i have plans on helping supporting Joyner aftermarket parts supplier by buying from them when i feel confident enough to buy from that company/person.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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I hate runarounds. I like efficiency. Efficiency means honesty and clear answers. Anything else leaves me sweating bullets when I paid for something I'm not getting. I think both threads make the situation very clear.

I think A buyer will be much more likely to give a seller a chance when ALL the cards are clearly laid out on the table.

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i just ordered the fuel controller and air/fuel gauge from SB a few days ago, then i found this forum and started reading all of this, Jose said he had both items in stock and they would ship out that day, i hope this is the way it works out. gotta say, a little worried after all of the negetive feedback on this site. i will be sure to post when i get the order. Jose told me MAX 15 days shipping to me up here in canada.

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I have known Jose from when he was with SB, & know what he went thru,& still is dealing with somewhat.. I agree there have been some long delays,that should have been handled better. I know what kind of person Jose is, I trust him completely,did,& will continue to.He has helped me out of some bad situations, but I in return have helped him too. This young man has taken on a big,tough transaction,& is trying his hardest." Communication" is what really needs to happen to resolve these issues. Jose is trying to make this business work, it is his livelyhood,so I know he is trying. I have tried to buy some parts from him & he said no,not until I find parts that are what I feel good enough..I appreciate that attitude. I will continue to do business with him, & hope others do too.

"Jose" get the communication line going better.I know you are trying.

I would trust Jose to have my back anytime!!

If all the people who have had a good experience with SB, since Jose took over were on this forum,or would just post when they are happy, the count would be different...People who haven't dealt with Jose, have no place even commenting on his business. When I left the 1st of May, this yr, Jose had not even got into his new location completely,plus setting up & straightening out old & new wholesalers.very hard for young new business man,just starting out.I have had him & Q his mechanic both work on my trooper,& couldn't be more pleased, Quig from Idaho

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Jose, what gives??? You going silent on the line again?!?! You've got feedback from faithful SB customers and disgruntled customers alike saying that you need to get on the ball with the communication issue. You haven't chimed in at all since your response on the 30th of august, and even Lenny has suggested that you do something to get me taken care of and he is probably your biggest supporter. Tell me, tell us, what you are doing/going to do to take care of this!

It's time for you to do some damage control. I mean more than making a post, using words. I expect information, action, and compensation from you for all this bull$h!tt. What are you going to do to rectify this?

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that has been my main issue. im sure i can speak for most of us when i say we have all had money issues or been covered up in bs.. i have learned that comunication comes first. facing the customer and telling them something they dont want to hear is better then nothing at all. and it would seem you are dealing with a great group of guys here that would be there and help you through thick and thin. when i had the issue of ordering a part and you were out of stock, i tried to get ahold of you and tell you to send me something else instead to try and help you out, but you never would answer the phone , return messages, or emails, and after two months i got my $85 back over 9 transactions. all you would had to do was answer and i would have had you send me some wheel bearings instead. Yes i am opening my own shop, No i dont want to hurt your buisness, i would rather work together. this is a very small industry and we all need the best support we can get. there is definitely a need and want for silver bullitand im sure no one wants to see you go anywhere but please try to fix the communication issue. It will go a long ways with all of us...

Just my 2 cents


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i just ordered the fuel controller and air/fuel gauge from SB a few days ago, then i found this forum and started reading all of this, Jose said he had both items in stock and they would ship out that day, i hope this is the way it works out. gotta say, a little worried after all of the negetive feedback on this site. i will be sure to post when i get the order. Jose told me MAX 15 days shipping to me up here in canada.

just checked USPS tracking site and it says that my package has cleared Canada customs, it should be at my door in a day or two. i am eagerly awaiting my 11 HORSEPOWERS !!!

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lol thanx lenny Im gonna when I get back on it. Hey is there a spec for a wide band AF sensor that I could use rather than getting the one from SB maybe something I could get at local auto store

I'm thinking about buying this to go with fuel controller and turbo http://www.innovatemotorsports.com/products/MTXL.php

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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This one real easy to hook up. You can see a pic of it in the gallery in my folder

MTX-L: Complete All-In-One Air/Fuel Ratio Gauge Kit. Includes: Gauge, Silver Bezel, Black Bezel, White Faceplate, Black Faceplate, Bosch Wideband O2 Sensor (LSU4.2), 8 Ft. Sensor Cable (Overall length 10 ft.), Exhaust Bung, Program Cable (Only needed for Datalogging and to change the Fuel Type Setting), Software CD, and Quick Start Guide. P/N: 3844, MSRP $199


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Hey SB, Looks like your thread got hi-jacked again. Talking about someone else's product.....Maybe if you actually responded these would be your customers talking about your product. Instead since you still have not made any attempt to contact me and wont respond, I'll chime in here and let everyone know...


Same A/F gauge SB sells, ships immediately, reputable seller, guaranteed to actually get your part, and its CHEAPER.

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